Bipolar Handwriting Analysis
Handwriting analysis of aggressive Bipolar handwriting
Bipolar is a person who has two personalities in the same body they are not like dual personality they are extremely changed from one side to another in an individual person's body.
The common comment the bipolar can get from friends and family is that sometimes I think I don't even know you, so you see they are unpredictable because of sudden changes in their personality.
The thing which I deeply analyzed are nine following features of handwriting for analysis
⦁ baseline
⦁ stokes
⦁ zone
⦁ margin
⦁ angles and shapes
⦁ slants
⦁ size
⦁ t- bar
⦁ i-dot
Handwriting Sample
1. baseline
Upward writing shows the person knows what he wants, you can say optimistic for his own desire although he surely has a bipolar overall look in handwriting. He is optimistic because he knew, what he want & how he get his desired wants.
2. strokes
the strokes show lots of angles which means aggression, double lines cross shows he is losing control and wants to hide his anger, this is the clear sign of full of anger. This person is
not emotional.
3. Zone
The dominating zone is a middle zone, this person does lots of execution work.
4. Margin
There is no margin, this kind of person is all time busy in his own world of thoughts things to plan, and executant.
5. angles and shapes
The angles show aggression, the o& a is clear somewhere the o& a is open which means this person is sometimes silent and on the other hand but sometimes.
6. slants
The slant we can see forward and backward again a sign of dual personality. he has both feelings at the same time dos and don'ts, mood swings.
7. Size
The size is normal, he took this normally find as a routine task means things happening around him sad or happy days he gets used to no extra or overreaction coming from him.
8. i-dot
The i dot shows the goal, In this handwriting i-dot is high and missing too. Although this person makes high goal missing dot indicates he gets out of focus.
9. t-bar
long t-bar he is authoritative this means this person head of some company or in his job.
He wants the thing according to his demand, high self-esteem but you can see he felt low somewhere in handwriting by putting low t-bar.
The writer is bipolar having mixed thoughts, but he seems that he is doing lots of effort to be in control, I believe according to my knowledge he is good at his work as shown by y formation
when he decided to do something he give his 200%. He is fighting his own battle inside but his mood swing, sudden change makes people worried and shocked.
Sometimes lonely letter L shows good relation with his father and fatherly characters.
The angles show aggression lots of energy he can and must do work more than 10 hours easily, workaholic person. The workaholic person why treated others cruelly because he wants things on time but people felt annoyed.
Bipolar is a state of mind that can be controllable with writing practice and guidance
By making changes in handwriting we can change our mindset graphology help lots of
children, students, parents, employ all people.
.If someone wants to know about their handwriting do comment.
very informative